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Cuba 15 Itinerary Introduction

The Cycling - Introduction

Cycling is the most enjoyable way to explore the island of Cuba and meet the local people as you travel. This holiday has been planned to keep vehicle transfers to a minimum, ensuring that you have plenty of time to soak up the culture and countryside at a relaxing pace.

This holiday also allows you some flexibility on all cycling days, thanks to our two guides and vehicle support (see below). This is helped by staying in some places for 2 or 3 nights – it lets everyone explore with the guides on our carefully planned rides, but you also have the option of not cycling.

So if you want to relax, explore the streets and cafes of on foot, or have a lazy morning after a big night of salsa and mohitos the night before, it’s easy enough to arrange.

Cycling Holiday in Cuba

Usual daily distances:

36 - 66km

23 - 41 miles

Cuba 15 days map